Community Meetings & Events
Be sure to save the dates for the monthly Springdale Board of Directors meetings. You can find detailed information and dates on the Springdale Resident Portal at springdalecondos.connectresident.com. Typically, these meetings occur on the last Monday of each month, barring special occasions such as holidays or December, which we observe in the spirit of the season.
We're eager to engage with you and welcome your ideas, questions, and concerns. Your active involvement enriches our community, making it even better!
to Our Community
Springdale is
a quiet well-established complex. Walk to the AZ Mills Mall. Minutes from I-10 and US60, Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport, downtown Phoenix, Ballpark Area, and ASU. Well maintained mature landscaping on common grounds and a relaxing pool & spa.
We welcome you and explore our website and learn more about the community. This website is designed for both residents of the community and those interested in becoming residents.
We encourage resident participation,
and would love to hear from you!
First Service Residential
9000 E Pima Center Parkway Suite 300
Scottsdale, AZ 85258
Office#: 480.551.4300
After Hours Emergency#: 855.333.5149
See a Crime, REPORT IT!
Unsure? Better Safe than Sorry, Make the Call!
Police Emergency: Dial 9-1-1
Police Non-Emergency: 480-350-8311
General Inquiries: tempe_police@tempe.gov
Narcotics Investigations & Tips: 480-350-8730
Crime Prevention Unit: 480-858-6330
Criminal Investigations: 480-350-8901
Bicycle Registration: Bicycle Registration
We are apart of the City of Tempe Crime Prevention Program | Crime Free Multi-Housing